Finnish Society for Developmental and stem cell Biology
– Here to join developmental and stem cell biologists to build a lively and inspiring community
Image 1: Human embryonic stem cell colImage: Human embryonic stem cell colony. Blue: DNA, Red: OCT4, Green: F-ACTINony. Blue: DNA, Red: OCT4, Green: F-ACTIN
Image 2: Two-dimensional human gastruloid. Gray: DNA, green: SOX2, magenta: BRACHYURY. Credit: Aki Stubb
Image 3: ITcf/Lef1-H2B-GFP positive epithelial structures of developing mouse kidney at embryonic day 15.5. Credit: Anneliis Ihermann-Hella
About us
Finnish Society for Developmental Biology (FSDB) was founded on the roots of pioneering work done by Gunnar Ekman, Sulo Toivonen, and Lauri Saxén in 1976. The founding members included Academician, Professor Irma Thesleff, Professor Eero Lehtonen, and Professor Anto Leikola. The aim of the Society was to officially expand the Finnish School of Developmental Biology, a school that originally focused on reciprocal inductive interactions during vertebrate organogenesis and now has grown to cover different sister fields of developmental biology including stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, organoids and the full variety of development itself, to facilitate education and networking of researchers within different Finnish organizations.
FSDB, a non-profit scientific association aiming to promote the research of Stem cell and Developmental Biology, is a full member of The International Society for Developmental Biology . The FSDB together with the Swedish Developmental Biology Organization and developmental and stem cell biologists from Denmark and Norway has established a joint Nordic Stem Cell, Developmental Biology and Regeneration network, which organizes joint meetings every two years.
We welcome everyone interested in various aspects of developmental and stem cell biology to join this society, enjoy of Nordic and international membership benefits, and participate in our activities.
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